In celebration of International Day of the Girl, the young women from the United Nations Foundation's Girl Up initiative who produced and directed Disney's new #DreamBigPrincess global video series stopped by Walt Disney World Resort!
The video series launched yesterday, sharing the stories of 20 trailblazing women across technology, entertainment, medicine, law, sports, arts, science, fashion and politics to show what's possible if you dream big. Each video offers advice and inspiration on achieving success for the next generation of young leaders across the globe.
During their visit, the aspiring filmmakers enjoyed fan-favorite attractions and entertainment around the resort while Disney bounding as their favorite female Disney characters. Take a look at some of their adventures in the parks!
Disney's "Dream Big, Princess" campaign uses the stories of fictional heroines like Moana and Tiana, and real-life role models to encourage kids around the globe to follow their dreams. Until November 20, 2018, for each like or share of a public video or photo with #DreamBigPrincess on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, Disney Worldwide Services will donate US $1 to Girl Up, the United Nations Foundation's program supporting girls' leadership and empowerment (minimum donation: $500,000/maximum donation: $1 million). For more information about Girl Up, go to
Check out the new video series at to learn more, and stay tuned for a roundup tomorrow of Disney Parks guests around the world in their Disney bound best!
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