Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pirates Takeover Central PaRRRk: Behind the Scenes

Avast Me Hearties!

I hope ye all have had a chance to see the fabulousness of New Yorkers showing their Disney Side in the Pirate Takeover of Central Park by the “prank collective” Improv Everywhere.

It’s gotten some great response. My favorite comment on YouTube was “You Best Be Liking That Page.”

And isn’t that dog the cutest! His name was Hudson. And he just happened to have a giant copper set of keys! Go figure!

Well, we at the Disney Parks Blog were there to capture all the Disney Side festivities behind the scenes.

We followed the IE team through a day of rehearsals and then the day of shooting from set up to the main event.

It was a glorious day in Central Park. Take a look.

The IE team captured the essence of New Yorkers showing their Disney Side – that playful side that comes out when even thinking about a Disney Parks vacation.

Kudos to Improv Everywhere creator Charlie Todd and his team.

And a hearty – Yo Ho Ho!

Pirates Takeover Central PaRRRk: Behind the Scenes by Charles Stovall, Public Relations, manager: Originally posted on the Disney Parks Blog

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