Friday, August 22, 2014

Training the Horses of the Circle D Ranch at Disneyland Park: Building Trust

In the second of a series of videos designed to go backstage at Circle D Ranch at Disneyland park, you’ll see Lead Equine Trainer, Jennifer Gable, working on groundwork skills. Consistent groundwork is important to build trust between the horse and trainer, and it also allows for new concepts to be introduced to the horse in a safe way. Another important idea behind groundwork is acknowledging the horse’s instincts. As a herd animal, horses naturally look toward the herd leader for guidance and safety. As the horse’s trainer, the goal is to take on the role of the leader, resulting in a horse that’s respectful, responsive and relaxed.

Training the Horses of the Circle D Ranch at Disneyland Park: Building Trust by Donna Fisk: Originally posted on the Disney Parks Blog

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