Friday, April 20, 2018

Disney Goes To Infinity & Beyond to Surprise Disney Grant Recipients With $500,000

To borrow a phrase from some alien "Toy Story" friends, we are "eternally grateful" for all of the nonprofits in the Central Florida community, and are especially thrilled to celebrate the 2018 Disney Grant recipients.

2018 Disney Grant Recipients

This week, we took a traveling "Toy Story"-themed tailgate-style party to five different nonprofit locations to celebrate their hard work and award $500,000 in Disney Grants. These nonprofit organizations continually go to "infinity and beyond," to bring lasting and significant change to Central Florida through these unique and compelling projects.

2018 Disney Grant Recipients

From providing nutritious, complimentary food to Central Florida high school students who need it the most, to helping connect homeless teens to much needed services, Disney Grants support collaborative efforts that inspire significant and solutions-driven change around Central Florida.

These special Disney Grants are part of more than $34 million in-kind and cash support Disney plans to invest in the Central Florida community throughout 2018.

We can't wait to continue the journey alongside our Disney Grant recipients, checking in with them over the year to see their projects come to life.

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