Thursday, March 15, 2018

Disneyland Resort Honors High School Students for Positive Community Outreach, Names Luminaries and Shining Stars

Disneyland Resort Dreamers & Doers wrapped up its third year with a celebration honoring high school students from across Orange County, Calif. The program recognizes students who take action to improve their communities or schools, and is part of the resort's longstanding commitment to education and inspiring others to make a difference.

This year, 86 students were named Dreamers & Doers by their schools, earning Disneyland Resort theme park tickets. Those who went above and beyond to make a positive impact were named Shining Stars by the Disneyland Resort, and invited to last weekend's celebration. Shining Stars received $1,000 grants for their schools, and five were surprised as Luminaries – the top achievement!

Disneyland Resort Dreamers & Doers Luminaries

Congratulations to this year's Luminaries, who were awarded a stay at the Disneyland Resort with their families, and the opportunity to give a $3,000 grant to a nonprofit of their choice!

  • Carissa Long – Sage Hill School – An active volunteer with Illumination Foundation, Carissa started an Illumination Foundation club at her school that has grown to nearly 100 members. She planned a charity golf tournament that raised $275,000 for the foundation.
  • Jake Chao – Oxford Academy – Jake founded Young Acoustics, a community music education program that provides music programs to low-income students of Magnolia School District. Jake sourced more than 100 instruments and student volunteers to help with the weekly lessons.
  • Katherine McPhie – University High School – An active volunteer with Orange County Rescue Mission, Katherine started a weekly computer programming class for homeless youth. She also volunteers every Sunday at their food pantry, preparing and serving breakfast to Orange County's most venerable individuals.
  • Julia Ransom – San Juan Hills High School – In honor of her late brother, Julia created the James Ransom Memorial 5K to raise awareness for mental health advocacy. More than 600 participants raised more than $15,000 during the inaugural race for Mission Hospital Foundation's Clinical Institute for Mental Health and Wellness.
  • CJ Writer – Orange Lutheran High School – CJ planned, designed and installed water conservation demonstration gardens at the city of Anaheim's Lenain Water Treatment Facility for residents to learn about water-savvy gardening. CJ facilitates tours of the gardens and continues to be involved.

View a full list of 2018 Disneyland Resort Dreamers & Doers here, and take a look at this video for a glimpse of last weekend's celebration!

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