Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Disney Legend Richard M. Sherman Inducted into IAAPA Hall of Fame

We're excited to share the news that Disney Legend Richard M. Sherman has been inducted into the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) Hall of Fame.

Richard, who has been featured several times over the years on the Disney Parks Blog, received the honor for his many memorable contributions to Disney parks around the world. Some of his accomplishments are included in an IAAPA write-up:

"Richard M. Sherman's contributions to the industry span more than 50 years, and he has written and composed countless beloved songs for Disney theme parks, resorts, and attractions around the world. His work represents the industry's most iconic and memorable achievements, combining the physical ride experience with music that elevates the impact and emotional connection of an attraction — for children and adults alike. Along with his brother Robert, he wrote the timeless lyrics for "It's a Small World," celebrating global peace and our shared humanity. In addition, he wrote other classic songs such as "The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room," "A Spoonful of Sugar," and "The Winnie the Pooh Song," to name a few. Throughout his career, Sherman has served as an influential mentor to many designers and creators at schools, universities, and workshops. His legendary work and talent for telling stories through lyrics and melodies has connected the globe, inspiring millions through the gift of music."

Richard joins a distinguished list of individuals from around the industry and joins fellow Disney-affiliated honorees Walt Disney, Roy O. Disney, plus fellow Disney Legends Marty Sklar, Jack Lindquist, Dick Nunis, Wally Boag and Betty Taylor.

Congratulations, Richard!

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