Monday, March 13, 2017

Moms Panel Monday: Stroller Tips

Did you know that you can search previously asked questions on This is a quick and easy way to find relevant information in a pinch. One of the most popular searches is for information on strollers at Walt Disney World Resort.

With strollers and stroller rentals being such a hot topic here at Disney Parks Moms Panel, we pulled together some top stroller tips from the moms, dads, and grandparents of the Disney Parks Moms Panel.

  1. Use your stroller to carry all your heavy items like cool drinks, sunscreen and extra clothes, instead of carrying it around on your back. But make sure valuables are packed in an easy to grab bag, so you can take them with you into line when you utilize stroller parking. – Andrea H.
  2. For kids under five, bringing your stroller from home is suggested, but for older ones, see how they do walking through the parks first. You can always rent a stroller later if you need to. – Jodie H.
  3. Make sure your stroller folds easily for quick boarding of busses or trams. – Jodi G.
  4. Bring an extra disposable rain poncho with you. Most stroller parking locations are outside, so you can throw it over your stroller, just in case, if it looks like rain while you are in line for an attraction. – Wilma N.
  5. It's a good idea to pay for your whole stroller rental upfront, if you will be renting a stroller for multiple days, because you will receive a small discount for doing so. Plus, it makes picking up your stroller in the morning much simpler. – Todd D.

For more tips or to ask questions about planning your upcoming Disney vacation, be sure to visit for a personalized response from our knowledgeable panel.

Photo Credit: Lindsey P.

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