Thursday, May 24, 2018

Celebrating KA WA‘A Lu’au at Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa for National Lu’au Month

For a taste of Hawaiian hospitality and tradition, experiencing a lu'au should be on every visitor's bucket list. Since May is National Lu'au Month, I thought I'd share how Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa hosts an unforgettable evening of dining and entertainment during its KA WA'A luʻau.

KA WA'A will take you on an enchanting journey through Hawaiian history, sharing the deep cultural roots in canoe (or waʻa) exploration. The evening includes beautiful music and dance, family activities and of course, a delicious lu'au feast. Take a peek at what's awaiting you at Aulani Resort:

Located on Aulani Resort's Hālāwai Lawn, KA WA'A lu'au is offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings (subject to change, based on season). For reservations, visit or call (808) 674-6320.

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