Monday, November 20, 2017

The SpectacuLAB Brings Fun Science and Science Fun to Epcot Innoventions

The SpectacuLAB, a brand-new exciting show that opened at Innoventions at Epcot this week, is bringing out the scientist in guests of all ages.

Presented by worldwide technology company Murata, The SpectacuLAB features interactive experiments and fun ways to get guests intrigued about the exciting world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education.

Two actual scientists run each show, with commentary and fun provided by our "intern" Frankie who is learning about science on his first day of training.

Young guests can volunteer to participate in different experiments which showcase the connection between science and technology – along with other STEM concepts. They learn about force while watching the scientists lay on a bed of nails, and about sound wave technology by testing the latest in ultrasonic drums – which can tell how far away Frankie is from them through ultrasonic sound waves.

The real, live scientists are provided by Science from Scientists, a non-profit organization dedicated to exciting kids about the STEM fields through thrilling, informative and engaging training by practicing scientists.

I got to watch a preview of the show this week and it was really fun!

Frankie and team will be conducting their experiments multiple times throughout the day at Epcot Innoventions. Check your times guide for showtimes!

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