Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Happy 25th Anniversary Disneyland Paris 25th! Celebration Event to Stream Live

Bonjour again!

I come to you bearing even more news of our wonderful colleagues at Disneyland Paris and their 25th Anniversary Celebration.

Unfortunately, I'm not actually there this time; but it will be the next best thing because I – and you too – can watch the Anniversary Celebration live streaming through the Disney Parks Blog.

Tomorrow (April 12) is the official anniversary date – Disneyland Paris officially opened its gates on April 12, 1992.

To celebrate, the cast there has prepared a whole bunch of great activities. They start VERY early morning for us (Paris is six hours ahead of us in Eastern time and 9 hours ahead of our Western U.S.readers); but I know are true blue Disney Parks Blog fans would want to know all the details:

  • SPECIAL LIVE STREAM – At 9 a.m. (Paris Time) / 3 a.m. Eastern: the Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary Grand Celebration will kick-off, with a huge cast of dancers and characters and a special Happening by Disneyland Paris cast members; and a few surprises – carried live here on the Disney Parks Blog! The above video will be live at 3 a.m. Eastern.

In addition to the morning ceremony, throughout the day, there will be lots of special activities at the park like:

We want to say a HUGE "Joyeux Anniversaire" to all our colleagues at Disneyland Paris.

We're proud to be a small part of the festivities – even if it is during the middle of the night here.

And stay tuned to the Disney Parks Blog for more from the 25th Anniversary Celebration throughout the year.

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